Archivi categoria: Poesie in inglese


Instant beyond

Since even the present
will not be memory,
then recalling the past
is akin to recreating
in the immeasurable sea
the primigenial essence
of your tears.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual, second edition -Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court. – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi”, 2a edizione



And I hold you tight,
my love,
and you are still,
just as I want you,
I wish to feel how,
and what you stir within –
for me barely without –
to listen to your breath
on completion of the magic formula,
and in the meantime the residue
between us is annulled,
by this stage frail diaphragms
of flesh and thought,
we are already capable
of governing the world.
Animal reality and womanly reality
melt into the harmony
of your creating essence
and it is sheer poetry.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual, second edition – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court. – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi, 2a edizione


Were I a mirror

Were I a mirror
your dazzle
would indefinitely
cross the whole universe
to cause eternity
to rest once again
in my wake.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual”, second edition 2023 – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court. “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi”, 2a edizione



The sea has woken me up,
smooth, immobile to such an extent
as to seem immense crystal
like a jewel mounted in a sky
where I can merely imagine
the azure in the paining white,
pure, perfect,
milky and enveloping
faint cloak subtended
to close all the confines
of a dream lost
by my weary hesitating.
I rise slowly, estranged
from the flowing of time,
I am unable to halt
in the mortal silence
in which every sound is absorbed,
soaked in voice, song and laughter,
petrifying weeping
in a sole moment
flowing along the non-existent thread
of the relentless,
curved horizon
like wind generated
by an existing god
who wishes to remind me,
in the final analysis,
that I am alone as
I play my match
against infinity and nothing –
faceless opponents
and most adept
at shuffling the cards.
Dusk is already falling as it
shatters the instant,
I have perceived a wave,
faint reddishness
of the setting sun,
alien glare
of a boat moored.
I light the cigarette,
I think of you, it is constantly you,
the smoke is fragrant,
your flesh essential,
never again will you have to play
silent presence.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual, second edition – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi” – 2a edizione – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court.


The sustainable end
(Mount of Venus or The Return)

Before the glaciers melt
and the forests go up in smoke
I would like to see one thing,
and one thing only,
you will never believe it,
your mons pubis,
for no other reason, you know,
than just to nibble at it
taut, jutting, waiting
for me to reach for it,
slowly down,
up again and capture
our mutual knowing glance
as I enter you,
delicately –
non it with only one part of me.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual… – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court. “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi… – 2° edizione


The divine horses of Achilles

to love,
to be loved,
bitter to have lost them,
so as to give up
the acute light of the sun
which smooths every pain
and benevolent shade
welcomes truce, silence,
while life flows
like a caress
on the nose of the thoroughbred
that looks at the infinite.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual”- “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi” – “2a edizione


Holy city

It took some time to reach that shore,
there was a house and a plot of land both abandoned,
vegetation, the spring,
an old, well-balanced, bamboo boat,
hills overhanging the sea,
as much fish as you want,
love and words, glances, moments of silence,
orgasms, tranquillity.
Then they came in droves,
they erected a glowing ferris
wheel to enliven the evening,
they opened shops, added attractions,
why even the branch of a bank,
an altar, sticks of candy floss
on the lips of passers-by,
coloured balloons,
the lagoon infested with bathers,
the screaming of the young,
pedantic preachers, flashing lights,
stalls teeming with junk,
pictures hanging everywhere,
souvenirs of battles, trophies, relics for adoration.
They had an urge for apparitions
thus it was that place became another holy city.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual… – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi… – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court.


I love you

You cannot move
hampered as you are,
your position, my lips,
I am so much on top of you,
glued to each other, sweat,
your legs are in the way,
even if you wanted to,
you are prevented from closing them,
and the pleasure is yours,
the thought mine –
that, however, I decide,
with my elbows and forearms
I am squeezing your sides,
my hands powerfully grasp
your chest, not to harm you,
I draw close, just enough for both of us,
we know,
I ask, I listen to you,
ear and mouth,
female and male, perfect,
winged quadruped,
and you so open to me,
breathless flight,
listen, look, there, I love you,
in this world and the one to come.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual” – 2a edizione febbraio 2023 – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court.


Amidst something else of yours

I dreamt of you last night,
I was on top of you,
alas it was only the sheet,
intense heat of the groin,
unbearable when
you turned, on your belly,
as if to entice,
then I pressed forcefully,
the way you received me,
serene, it was you, your nape,
shoulders, ardour,
as well as your desire for me,
I thrust, shifted,
I was even motionless inside you,
to prolong time,
to wait for you,
it was three thirty,
you immobile, your hands raised
to the sides of your face, open,
legs only slightly outstretched,
then you drew them in,
I felt your muscles contract
and release under my abdomen,
they vibrated and with my chest
I became one with your back,
we were one and the same voice.
Nothing more.

Were you there when
I had this dream?
I went on just a few instants more,
on the damp warmth all mine,
eternal, then I got up,
I made coffee,
thinking I would eat you,
yes, pussy eaten, eaten
where certain things of yours
are in the midst of something else
strictly yours,
where there is love, our souls,
reality and other, what is left
when the remainder is only the awakening.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual… “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi… 2° edizione –


The day of the dead

Down there,
at the end of the park,
just behind the cemetery,
your thighs were cold,
dense and damp
scent of dying flowers
filled the nostrils,
and in the shelter of the slight fog
the last creaking of the gates
gave voice to the silence,
and in the faded light
everything dissolved
in your underwear,
and kissing you was important.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts, life, love, death and the usual” – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi” – 2a edizione

Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court.